In the XDOUserGuide there is a section of Supported XSL-FO Elements (D1). The section does not have any examples of how to use them.
I have created an example on how you may go about dynamically change the size of a font.
First I created a parameter called "fsize" to simulate varying the font size:
Below is the code that I will use. It is mandatory that everything you see below is to go into a form field.
<fo:inline font-family="Arial"
font-size="{$fsize}" font-weight="bold"
hyphenate="yes "text-align="center">Now is the
time for all good men to come to the aide of their comrades.</fo:inline>
The tricky part was to introduce the variable (fsize) into the markup. You have to encapsulate the variable with "{var}". Note that param's are referenced with a prefix of "$".