Search a string.
<?contains(string-to-search-in, string-to-search)?>
If you want to get a distinct count of a data element.
An if-else statement.
<?xdoxslt:ifelse(SEX='M', 'Man', 'Woman')?>
If you want to nest it. You can nest it many times.
<?xdoxslt:ifelse(SEX='M', 'Man', xdoxslt:ifelse(SEX='T','Transgender','Woman'))?>
Safe divide function returns a specified value if the result of the function is NaN. In the syntax shown, num1 is the dividend; num2 is the divisor and string is the value to be returned if NaN is returned.
Examples: <?xdoxslt:sdiv(10,0, '0')?> would yield '0'
<?xdoxslt:sdiv(10,0, 'None')?> would yield 'None'
<?xdoxslt:sdiv(num1,num2, string)?>
If you want to use sdiv in calculation like <?xdoxslt:sdiv(4,5,0) + 5?> then this will not work.
You have to use the function number to convert the result. So it would be like this:
<?number(xdoxslt:sdiv(4,5, 0)) + 5?>
String Replacement
The example shown is the replace function being nested.
<?xdoxslt:round(some_num, 2)?>
Rounding to 2 places so 100.125 becomes 100.13
Naming an Excel sheet in an RTF template:
<?spreadsheet-sheet-name: {xpath-expression}?>
Assuming an XML element has the name SHEET_NAME
<?spreadsheet-sheet-name: {$sheet}?>
Get Environment Information within the Template